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Legend Highlighter

for Highcharts.js

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What is it?

Legend Highlighter is a plugin for Highcharts.js, which adds a new data series highlight effect to your charts.

How does it work?

Well, it's very simple - just hover over one of the data series label in legend box. You'll see, that all data series except hovered one are dimmed (to be specific, they will be transparent). An additional "pie chart" effect makes the hovered portion of data sliced out of the chart.

Here is a simple demo:

How do I start using the magic?

  1. Include our plugin in your page:
    <script src="highcharts-legend-highlighter.src.js"></script>
  2. Enable the plugin by adding this code to your chart options:
    legend: {
        highlightSeries: {
            enabled: true

Can I see any demos?

Demo 01 - Lines
Demo 02 - Area
Demo 03 - Area & Lines (using linkSeries)
Demo 04 - Bars
Demo 05 - Pie (with allowSelectPoint enabled)
Demo 06 - Bubbles
Demo 07 - Bars & Lines (two separated charts)
Demo 08 - Funnel
Demo 09 - Data madness!

(Note: all demos are based on original Highcharts.js demos available here:

So, what can it actually do?

Are there any settings?

Yes, you can change plugin settings by adding new entries in chart options, under legend.highlightSeries group. Currently, the plugin will only use three additional options:



License file can be found here: